A good engineer CREATES,
A better engineer APPLIES,
A best engineer SHARES!

We wish the I.O.E to be updated till 2070, providing enough time for it to have a good research project on required updates.

This blog would cover those officers', lecturers', students', engineers', professionals' and technicians' views who care about engineering education of the country.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Institute of Engineering - Nepal is Outdated

* No course updates since last 10 yrs...
* No management between government and private t.u. ioe colleges.
* I.O.E. government college dominating - as they take the complete charge of Courses, Exam Schedule, Teachers, Question Papers.. etc..

It is in need of immediate update or discussion. If not the GAP between private and government engineers in Nepal would be sufficient to ruin Engineering in Nepal. No mercy!


Destroyed said...

Hello there,
First of all many thanks goes to the one who started this thread. It was quite difficult to find a place to write something in such a large web.
Anyways, the questions that have been raised in this page have been killing me inside since few months as well. Specially, when I have faith inside me that I have completed all the necessary education to be a successful engineer, from a renowned college in this field in Nepal, and with that beief, I am hunting for a job..... fighting for survival.
there is always this "but..." and a a sign of confusion when people see that you are not a student from Pulchowk Campus.
.. Please be contented that my views here do not comply or point to any individual or group of people involved to this huge field...... IT IS THE SYSTEM THAT HAS BEEN GOING IN OUR COUNTRY NEPAL ........ It is the same old conservative thought that SO CALLED EDUCATED PEOPLE ARE BEING FOOLED WITH !!!!!!!!

This should be brought into discussions.. this should not hurt anyone ....

Of course it is a question of dignity .. own self respect ...

If I did not study in Pulchowk Campus .. so what .. ???? It was just a single multiple choice exam in my life that changed the whole thing ..??? Does that single exam proves that I am a fool ???
And does that only exam proves that the one who are enrolled there are the genius students in whole Nepal ?????

Come on guys .. get some life ..

Of course, Pulchowk Campus has been one of the oldest and renowned colleges in whole South Asia.
But in the back-support of such a renowned university , how some people act is just weird...

The teachers in Pulchowk Campus are responsible for setting the questions which decides the capability of students in the whole country .. Well questions are collected from teachers in all universities .. but the issue I want to raise here is that .. only the students in Pulchowk are instructed "WHAT SHOULD THEY READ FOR EXAMS......"

Before any exam .. any exam ... a student in private college should go out looking for "WHAT THEY HAVE TOUGHT IN PULCHOWK CAMPUS" ..... And if he doesnt do that .. then he is gonna start sweating in the exam hall .. I swear !!!!!!

There are times when there are questions from topics you never heard of .... .Just because they were taught in Pulchowk Campus and your teacher in your college didnt teach you that topics....

Yes, if this goes on in worlds eyes, Pulchowk Campus students will always have better marks and better performance .. and the students in private college will keep wondering what's going on ......

Further, private colleges are also to be blamed for this ....

With some corrupted meetings with some officials from Pulchowk Campus, a college gets so called AFFILIATION, even when there are no resources in the college.

All I want to say is that the Institute of Engineering ( IOE ) is not Pulchowk Campus. It should not see Pulchowk Campus as the head organization of Engineering Institutes.. It should be a body which regulated all the engineering institutes from same level. Then we will decide who is what .

पुल्चोक क्याम्पस मा पढेको भन्दै मा जस्ता हग्ने पाध्ने पनि Engineer हुँदैनन् । तिमीहरु पुल्चोक मा पढेका झोलेहरु लाई कुरेर बस तिम्रो जागिर खान .... म चाहि लागे GRE गर्न ।


prakash said...

As far as i think it is not better to think that you are from pulchowk Campus, i am not etc...even i am also from a renowned private college rather from Pulchowk campus.
Perhaps the overall engineering education system should have strike our mind. It is a technical educaion, but there is more and more theoritical. I am always against the three hour examination system. It will not check the actual quality of a technical student. If needed an extra one semester should be added and in that semester every student (upcoming engineer) should be treated practically so that he can know him/her practically that is what will be his/her task after completion, working area etc.. Many companies should be visited within this period.
And another thing is that here are many companies in both private and goverment sector in Nepal that can utilise Engineers. But now they are hiring most of Foreign Engineers from Chine, India, Russia etc. I am anot against the foreign Engineers but i only say that they should be hired to run trainings in Nepal. One can train at least 5 Neplese Engineers. If they do this, automatically Neplease Engineers have job, Nepal will be towards the independency technically soon..

Rabindra said...

It was quite interesting to read through, because I was also in those days at one stage of my life. Now, I am doing the same education but in a different country.
And I agree with 'sukae', 'destroyed' and the topic starter as well . No matter what, the private colleges are always minors in Nepal, ( even I dont know the solution of that) But there should be way that everyone gets same opportunity, same resources, and same control.

Where I am right now, is relaxing, any one can enroll the course. And the first year is intensive, if anyone cannot get through, then they leave in first year and start something else ... no hard feelings about it .. Noone says anything, he switches his field and does better.. thats because he can test himself .

About the course content not being updated... yes they should update course content in time to time . Because, even if the core content (basic principle)of some devices/ components is the same.. but the application field has been changing and improving in a sense .

But rather than changing the course, the teaching method is what must be changed as recommended by 'sukae' here. Sitting in a desk-bench and mugging all the theory in the world does not give you anything.Engineers are people who must know how to make things, develop things. The students should be helped to visualise things, there is where the creativity starts from . Here, here are beamers in every class, and most of the teaching goes from beamers. In C++, the teachers spend time writing code live and checking .. demonstrating, testing. That is what makes the course more interesting. In analogue electronics, teachers come up with animations, images, simulations. That is what makes the students feel more motivated.

Universities have not even been able to get rid of chalk-duster .. wonder when will they start doing like this.

Anyways, it was a great time sharing experience. Good luck to all the engineers and to-be-engineers.